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capital boss brag prime dandy famous super swell A one slick topflight crack great first-rater champion supernacular bosker bonzer ace first-class grand top-hole secondary PACE a1 top-notch skookum first-string clinker bad slap-up daisy superb bang–up lummy first class def admirable clipping tip–top swinging first–string stem-winder fresh slap–up solid rate smashing first-rateness alpha plus tough alpha minus topping speed frontline first scrumptious top–notch royal
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slap ribuck nifty number one high-class palmary phat blue ribbon chop out-and-outer second–drawer cool front–rank lead good-woolled par excellence overrate premier letter package first-rate arm clip time tempo beginning underrate letter rate stem–winder clipper erst mortality velocity originally maiden at rate of exchange third-rate Apr infant mortality firstling acceleration hand firstborn primal usury double time advance disinflation incidence accelerate firstly primary bat proto- premiere percentage flow bogey primo cess Down bush-league Quadragesima assess misrate Virgin millage primordial natality mileage frequency average gradient discount forme undervalue yield original FIFO hypocotyl arch order of a reaction headway inflationary universe going initial prima facie top straight time progressive LIBOR BMR crawl primarily poundage rating -age former bank rate floater stroke atropine dearly principal primogenitor ratio a MLR morbidity ERM radiant flux regulate snowball employment rate usurer at first blush turnover underestimate peep pari passu rank firstlins anyhow given name initially learning curve frame frequency rate-limiting linage mortgage overcount prime interest rate start adjustable flat ground plan synchronize deceleration prime rate synchronous half-life dawn gold certificate distribute @ reproduction factor current base rate leastwise stepped-up overcast berate to begin with leading walk variometer interest rate headlong assize to start with cutback cense rapid fire decelerate one-horse imprimis exchange unsustainable primer FRM fore leader Newton's laws of motion disheartened per second per second subprime vaunt opening first sight FPS bush leaguer workflow temperature gradient eldest discharge prize bill rate knockdown regressive devaluate v primigenial toll call UBR foremost basic rate alpha pukka Benford's Law pacemaker outset forename head graduated bradycardia value insolation prophase gallop springtime dawning mother tongue Low Sunday lapse rate class A plague first luff firsthandness inhibit pulsimeter mediocrity rapid snail's pace exceed rerate Bureau of Labor Statistics double-digit nuptiality blanket rate cut-price moneychanger floating rate off flux firstmost night letter second-rate variable rate mortgage productivity European plan perforce floating leastways rapidity stumblebum overbuy high-speed at least first officer bank blush tachycardia gain underspend rate-fixing cheap uptake below vigorish downshift balloon variation jerk batta quotient steadily rapidly fecundity opener fresher throughput first up SFC lieutenant World War I pud glance FDC primely low mezzanine FFV LIFO prerogative Prot hasty rated legal rate ratable vital signs coupon evaluate interest irregular overvalue anyway spot exchange rate prime lending rate benchmark interest rate Lr capped rate depressant farm pro rata compounded rate reckon bps third-class piece price overhead absorption rate tonometer standard rate starter twice gait above do canonize set freshman begin base sight repo long rate recovery rate rate of interest minimum lending rate rate of depreciation vertical gradient isokinetic cut–price repurchase rate mortality rate debut honeymoon sterling praenomen head first childhood backward cardinal morning turn over maintain misery index discount rate power common tax bracket moneylender time and a half currency tariff peak slow scale EURIBOR AER size VRM lick shabby BER high piecework Arp carload annualize peg exponential tender accident-prone derivative fluxion book rate second class trade-weighted exchange rate click rate cr lapse ETR interest swap adjustable rate mortgage churn WVTR underpay aliasing middling interceptor basal metabolic rate catalysis rates man through rate water-rent PRC tempi block rate compound annual growth rate batting dime–store cap rate taxation bats overnight rate CNAR interbank rate hotcake cut–rate compounded growth rate apparent photosynthesis pitch CTR palooka quickness bush bush league ordinary beat FRN quick celerity top (or full) whack foreprize return depress centage overspend IBOR wig ROR less and less psychophysics orderly sergeant paravant philosophia prima first mover premices concert border first story primary cause primary intention prima Early Pointed protoplastic fiscal first half quaaltagh flat etch priority lien form of forms International Workingmen's Association foregame formerly first–chop fiscal first quarter upper angle first man fast-growing electron emission cut-rate supertax escalating caprizant inferior highly retardation targe inflation weekly shade savings rate SRDS™ call rate knock something out hog–round ARPS diffusivity upgrade drop arr. evaporativity heart rate stride slip Malthusian parameter knock sluggish hold always activate disrate metabolic-rate Taylor system truckload rate like hotcakes hike downgrade SBRR raise hayburner better rpm strode be running at sth churn out run floating debt starting rate specific rate daily RR annualized proportional rate differential rate tracker end-to-end special zeroth font name swelling first cousin once removed cherry cracking particular second Q1 PFC primus inter pares cousin-german kick-ass fountain starter home/house opening gambit top of mind preoption predecease house of the ascendant top sergeant foundershaft another A/1C begun belting first-line first–line fow offensive transcendental percentile start a family on/at first acquaintance first refusal astern topkick on the face of it first cousin twice removed A1C throughout the Great War primitively Big Stoush cap first fruits firstcomer first flight snodger letter mail swollen make the first move primary supplier mate mover ceres began top–hole fust imp SIBOR group rate price of money easy money fall trickle in one's own time luminosity infiltration capacity overtime time rate pyramid unrelenting fluctuation returned shipment rate undertaxed clock cadence with arrhythmia baud diuretic mph pacesetter overset the ERM anyways marking-down snaphance low-paying drift term rate hypermutant combination rate tachometer speedup escalate tax break slow motion concession loan slow–paced precept starburst luminous flux managed currency water-rate rip-off marking-up pest take–up overprize scrappage dip pamphleteer chronotropy electrocatalyst easy terms double pay sustainable under open rate bring down track degressive terrific sang yet stent hyperventilate effective rate keep up (with sb/sth) bioinstrumentation in deliberation slowness plod along lethality marginal modulate third–rate ton–mileage cost-plus step swiftness vile engine speed meter gallonage glitch highly paid keep pace with underpoise high coupon per cent low coupon retardant angular acceleration concessional concessionary rent pulsometer shop note shaver apace with rise step sth down straight–line rate speed-up c3 cost of money cartage degression hyperinflation cut keep up flat rate lockstep water rate baby bust even reaction ramp pestilence dear life-rate fastness check slippage pistareen jog quick time stint sped rediscount rate rate setter annual percentage rate replacement fertility repo rate home foreman freshwoman vantage initiative feet-first Ash Wednesday at first sight pride of place without preamble different next daybreak dayspring primigravid rumen sunrise win handsel Stephen double first face–plant chiefest calends archelogy analytic bag frostnip first-floor primity intention introduction take the chequered flag taste breakthrough first-half corner aurora hallux primate refill uppermost sunup Mushet steel protosyllabic five–star Aras christen a slow start maidenhead aboriginal cockcrow midsummer explore first-ever first off Matthew right first time principle of segregation preemptive right forerank first-fruits book at first glance primeval primigenious first of Aries rate-determining step rate financial futures Laffer curve pressure gradient Phillips curve accretion rate evergreen swap I Bond floor basic security ad valorem spot rate rate rage commodity rate rheogram photostationary recalescence energy subsidy higher rate lawful rate rateless undercut decalescence teaser rate quartz-locked reciprocity theorem refinance stand the pace en pension steerage way effective nominal interest rate step-up lease system loose rate in sync overfishing octane poundrate undervaluation hyperthyroidism bit error rate business rate catch up a snowball effect chronotropic contractor depression like it's going out of style (or fashion) sinking speed transit rate tiered variable rate watch rate epigone inhibition growth headline log neotectonics resample quickstep effective annual rate shave pick labour turnover sleep sluicegate statoscope rate-fixer at a rate of knots threshold proportional tax scot scroller union pay translate rev counter limiting factor out of sync marine interest minimum rate prioritize thyroxine ratemeter rate–of–rise thermostat rate up spiral steady carlot downswing set the pace bank lending rate soft loan slowly sustained corotate cabotinage cash flow VDSL high-income differential pulse watch overestimate potometer production adiabatic lapse rate angular velocity an/per hour constant chargemaster blackout freeze consumption rate keep pace (with) record lowball abuse keep/stay apace with class progressive tax esteem draw dog three–charge rate warehouse upward footage indicator irregularity postpone real-time tallage proliferate scorch second-class stagflation cardio dissipativity overhold accelerator basic pay all–commodity rate absorption rate bulk mail buy HDSL barometric gradient basic yield learning-disabled lowballing bond consumerism burn rate green pound cross rate float

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Words For "first rate"

As you've probably noticed, words for "first rate" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "first rate" are: capital, boss, brag, prime, and dandy. There are 995 other words that are related to or similar to first rate listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "first rate" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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